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SHARED POST: How to Clean Your Ty Beanies and All Ty Plush

FROM OUR FRIENDS AT TY.COM You bought your child the cutest Beanie Boo plush animal, and your kiddo drags it along everywhere with them. It doesn’t matter if you go to the grocery store, library, a friend’s house, school, or for a car ride; you can be sure the Beanie is glued at your youngster’s hip. Meal and snack times are no exception, so when an unfortunate spill of grape juice or spaghetti sauce stains the cherished plush beanie, it becomes crunch time to find a solution to clean the tarnished plush. When the tears start flowing at the realization that their favorite plush animal is ruined, how do you clean your little one’s Beanie Boo and restore it to...

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