With a long and storied existence going back to 1873, Tsukihoshi is the largest manufacturer and distributor of children’s footwear in Japan. Tsukihoshi has been collaborating with specialists since 1985, perfecting a line of children’s shoes that focuses on the well-being, protection and comfort of children’s feet. Now, Tsukihoshi’s line of hyper-functional footwear has reached America. Every Tsukihoshi style is machine washable, ultra-lightweight, and is designed to not only support but to promote proper foot development. These attributes, along with the brand’s terrific styling, make Tsukihoshi stand out as a truly unique brand in children’s athletics.
Committed to keeping children’s feet healthy since 1873, at Tsukihoshi we develop all shoes with a very generous fit in the forefront so that toes are free to splay out, stretch and wiggle just as if barefoot.
With appropriate space around them, toes can maintain a tactile contact with the ground and instinctively grip it, boosting children’s sense of balance as they develop.
Moreover, unconstrained toes contribute to a healthy arch development as well as allow soft bones and cartilage to align naturally throughout their delicate growing process.
Whilst toes are free to move, the rest of a child’s foot needs great stability to avoid its natural tendency to over-pronate (landing on the arch side).
Our counter stabilizer braces the heel and the foot arch, providing the much needed stability to achieve a proper walking.
Our extremely flexible”Flex-Joint Outsoles” are specifically designed to help children’s feet to flex, to promote natural movements as well as provide maximum comfort to little feet that are still learning how to balance.